As we age one of the most difficult realities to accept is that we can't do things alone that we used to be able to do with ease. Things like taking a bath, getting around the house or the grocery store. Tasks that we have never put much thought into like getting into or out of bed can also become incredibly difficult.
We start and end each day by getting into or out of our bed. Sounds easy enough but what if you are transferring from a wheelchair or shuffling to the side of bed and your legs don't work like they used to. There are a number of beds designed to make this process easier and address the specific issues that many seniors face.
High low beds are an amazing benefit and can lower the bed height to allow for easier transfers. They can also serve as a lift when sitting on the edge of the bed to help you go from a sitting position to a standing position without putting too much of the work on your legs. Beds like the Flexabed Hi-Low Adjustable Frame are extremely popular as you can purchase them in a variety of standard consumer sizes. Beds like the Up-Bed Independence and the Orin Sit to Sleep Bed offer an amazing rotation feature that that many seniors find eliminates the risk of falls when transferring to a bed. If you are looking for a product that offers both high-low and rotation then the MedMizer Active Care Bed can't be beat.
For those wanting high-low capability as well as additional clinical capabilities we have three excellent choices. The MedMizer Active Care, the top selling Span America Advantage Ready Wide or the Span America Advantage Bed.
Getting into and out of bed isn't the only task that increases in difficulty as we age. Just getting around can sometimes become increasingly difficult. We offer a variety of premium quality Walkers and Rollators as well.
Many seniors prefer the use of a powered wheelchair to get around the home and during daily activities. We have an excellent selection of premium quality Power Wheelchairs and Electric Scooters to choose from as well. Our top selling power wheelchairs all offer unique features that make them popular. Our top selling power wheelchair is definitely our ComfyGo MAJESTIC IQ-8000 Remote Controlled Lightweight Electric Wheelchair. This power chair is both affordable and feature rich! If you like this model but would love a reclining power chair then check out the MAJESTIC IQ-9000 Auto Recline Remote Controlled Electric Wheelchair. If you are looking for something ultra lightweight an airline approved then look no further than the Phoenix Carbon Fiber Electric Wheelchair: Lightweight, Long-Range, Airline Approved. This chair is an amazing product that offers both style, comfort and transportability.
Merits is another premium brand we carry on our site and these chairs don't disappoint. They are well made and stylish and extremely comfortable right out of the box. Some of our top selling models are Merits Vision CF Power Wheelchair and the top of the line Gemini Power Wheel Chair.
We would love to speak to you and learn more about your unique needs and help you make the right product selection that best suits you. Call us at 1-888-939-0002